Anti-Racism Commitment and Policies

Rorschach Theatre’s Commitment to Anti-Racism and Anti-Bias

Rorschach Theatre recognizes that racism and white supremacy are urgent threats in America and the world.  As a theatre company, we have the innately powerful ability to convene and to amplify. Over two decades in Washington, we have created a unique and vibrant aesthetic that centers on magic realism–manifesting the seemingly impossible in our work. It is imperative that we merge our intrinsic optimism with our power to turn up the volume on historically silenced voices who seek justice and equity.

We recognize our own unconscious bias and commit ourselves to listening to and supporting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) stakeholders by making their work and their ideas more visible. We commit ourselves to vigilance in identifying and eradicating white supremist practices and bias within both our artistic and administrative work.

Rorschach leadership affirms our ongoing commitment to anti-racist work through participation in initiatives such as the AROW program, Theatre Washington’s EDI training, and National New Play Network’s anti-racist workshops. Internally, we will continue with transparency to make pathways to justice without retribution.

We believe in a better world and take seriously our role in making that world a reality.

Rorschach Theatre’s Anti-Harassment Policies

Rorschach Theatre is committed in all areas to providing a work environment that is free from harassment. Harassment based upon an individual’s gender, sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion or any other legally protected characteristics will not be tolerated. All artists, employees and contractors, are expected and required to abide by this policy. No person will be adversely affected in employment with the employer as a result of bringing complaints of unlawful harassment.

If an employee feels that he or she has been harassed on the basis of his or her sex, race, national origin, ethnic background, or any other legally protected characteristic they should immediately report the matter using our Concern Resolution Path made available to all employees, artists, and contractors. Once the matter has been reported it will be promptly investigated and any necessary corrective action will be taken where appropriate. All complaints of unlawful harassment will be handled in as discreet and confidential a manner as is possible under the circumstances.

The procedure for reporting incidents of harassing behavior is not intended to impair, replace, or limit the right of any employee to seek a remedy under available state or federal law by immediately reporting the matter to the appropriate state or federal agency.